Online Power System Protection and relay Coordination Design training
Advance Solar Design Training Institute is Reputed and Govrement award winining Engineering Institute providing Latest Trend and technology Training on Online Power System Protection and Relay coordination Design Training Training Course and Calculations. Advance Solar Plant design Training is design Relay coordination study and analysis is performed to make sure that safety operation of the system are functioning correctly and to avoid the nuisance tripping, as protection is a major concern in any industry and they rely on protective devices for the same. Advance Solar plant design Training institute`s the aim of a coordination study is to determine the characteristics, ratings, and settings of overcurrent protective devices which will ensure that minimum unfaulty load is interrupted when protective devices isolate a fault or overload anywhere in the system. A coordination study should be conducted We advance Solar Power plant design Training centre all relay coordination study and analysis is perform on power system software. There are specify power system software for the protection coordination analysis of power system applications Such programs include short circuit analysis and device time current characteristics. The main purpose of the protective coordination software is to produce one-line diagrams, calculation of relay settings and time current coordination drawings. Software will contain features to model various protective devices, equipment damage curves and store the data for future use. Using the software, the device characteristics can be called from the library and used for the coordination studies
Key Feature of Online Power system Proection and Relay Coordination Design Course training
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Chapter 1- Introduction to power system protection and (ANSI Code of relay ) Chapter 2- Power system Protection concepts (Type of protection) Chapter 3- Power System Protection philosophies Chapter 4- Short-circuit calculations (Ohmic Methodology / Per Unit Calculation (IEC 60909/ IEEE 242 :1986)) Chapter 5- Instrument Transformer (CT’s, PT’s) selection & application Chapter 6- Ground fault protection calculation and Criteria for setting pickups and time dial (TMS and PMS)for DMT and IDMT relays Chapter 7- Step by step relay setting and co-ordination exercise for ground fault relays Chapter 8- Ground fault relay (ABB , Alstom (MICOM), SIEMENS Relay setting and concept review Chapter 9- Protection against Overload; Overload v/s overcurrent, Overload capability, Short Circuit Protection; Phase overcurrent and Ground overcurrent Protection, Grounding of transformer neutral. Transformer internal faults (buchholz relay, Winding Relay, Oil relay, MOG, OSR, Over flux etc) |
Chapter 11- Transformer Differential Protection scheme, Differential Scheme for Three Winding Transformer, CT Specification for Differential and REF applications Chapter 12- Bus bar protection, Overcurrent , earth fault , differential protection and type of bus bar protection Chapter 13- Selection of bus bar relay, busbar relay calculation , setting of relays Chapter 14- Incoming and Outgoing feeder Relay selection Bus coupler Relay Setting Chapter 15- Generator protection: Plain over current and voltage restrained over current protections, differential, REF Chapter 16- Distance relay (Device 21) application and principles Chapter 17- Distance Relay type (Mho, Impedance Relay ), Calculation of distance relay Chapter 18- Selection of distance relay and setting of ABB, Alstom relays Chapter 19- Communication of distance and differential relays Chapter 20- Upstream and downstream relay coordination, breaker and relay tripping setting , protection zone selection Chapter 21- Overview of O&M of relays |